October 18, 2011

Lever - Preliminary Photomontage

An escape to an estate in North Carolina…

     My Photomontage project is based on many visits my family and I have made to the state of North Carolina. We actually love the mountain area and we almost moved there five years ago; however, due to the economy we decided to stay on Long Island for now. I plan on using a famous landmark followed by five additional images. The first layer will be of the famous National Historic Landmark – the Biltmore Estate resembling the Witch’s castle as seen in the movie, The Wizard of Oz. The next nine images will also resemble this time of the year with Halloween coming, an image of a flying witch, a witch stirring her brew, ghosts, bats, and most importantly for me the beautiful harvest moon that only comes at this time of the year. Two images of gargoyles protecting the home (you can't see but the estate has many gargoyles on the posts of the home. The last image is a layer of a magnify glass keying in on a ghost in the window that will project as if you are visualizing another image closer - through the lens of the magnifying glass. The little guy holding the magnifying glass will be changed to have the head of a skeleton. Colors used will be soothing fall colors, blue, gold, white, green, etc. and no fonts.







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