November 14, 2011

Lever - Preliminary Rebook cover...

     The book, “What Should I Do with My Life?, by Po Bronson is a book that tells the real stories of many individuals that have asked themselves this question and to find the ultimate thing in their life they should be doing - when it comes to a career that they enjoy and their passion. I read the book and I found myself doing the very same thing where I asked myself this very same I needed to find my own answers. I thought about where my life was going and I was ready to make the next move? At the time I chose this book, I wanted to finish my education that I never did complete, so I went about my journey and this should be my last class this semester. Did it answer the question or just offer more questions? I think the saying and the book color has more power than the text itself. So I would like to change the background color (to a lighter color – maybe blue or white) or place a textured background. I will design the text using shiney 3D text effects to signify depth and that it is glowing just like what one should really be reflecting on in a lifetime…just like the book. Also, I would like to create an image of the author Po Bronson in the earth with the part of title of book "My Life? just above the image to help bring out the importane of him writing this book. The author went about his journey to ask other people (the image used on the bottom) this same question because he asked himself it too, and he deserves to have his picture centered in the world globe. The globe represents those who are living all around the world and his image depictis the enjoyment of this journey and also in one's life!

Works Cited:
Wong, Victoria. Image, 2002. Web 11 Nov. 2011. <>.

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